Donate Now

Your regular giving help us cover our regular operating costs at Monona United Methodist Church. EFT, Checks, and Cash are all accepted are donations to our church. If you are unable to attend church for any reason but would still like to give, you are welcome to mail a check or money order (Monona United Methodist Church, 606 Nichols Road, Monona, WI 53716). Please do not send cash or coins through the mail.

One-time electronic donations can be made using the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page. Our ministries will continue and we value your faithful giving. Thank you so much!

Monthly Community Meals

Our Church has been the proud host of monthly Community Meals since August of 2023. These events take place at the church (mostly!) on the 4th Sunday of the month. These dinners are free and open to all. The dinners begin around 5:30 pm and feature an option of items for various food needs. All ages are welcome.

  • Community Meals Served

Second Harvest Needs Volunteers

Volunteers are ESSENTIAL to Second Harvest Foodbank. And, Second Harvest Foodbank is ESSENTIAL to the community. We are in need of volunteers to help us fill pre-packed Care Boxes. Volunteer shifts are available throughout the day, 7 days a week. Click here to learn more. Care Boxes are filled with healthy foods, and are being distributed to those struggling with hunger through our partner agencies and our mobile pantries throughout our 16 county service area. An average of 2,600 boxes are being distributed per day! We need volunteer support to assist in packing these boxes.

Agrace Thrift Stores Need Volunteers

Volunteers are needed to help Agrace's thrift stores stay open. The stores generate funds to support programs for Agrace patients and families. If you want to do something meaningful and fun during the pandemic, please consider volunteering as a cashier at any of their Madison or Janesville locations. For details, call (608) 327-7163 or email

River Food Pantry

The River is currently accepting 18-count egg cartons until further notice. Also, The River is NOT accepting clothing or household items. If you have items to donate, please check with either Agrace or Boomerang. You are welcome to drop off egg cartons, paper bags, nonperishable food, or personal hygiene items at church daily from 9am until 2pm.

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Donate to Our Human Welfare Fund

You can help people in our community who are struggling as a result of the coronavirus by donating to our Human Welfare Fund. The working poor are profoundly impacted when local businesses close and they are not able to work. Please send additional donations to the church marked with “Human Welfare Fund.” If you find yourself in need of assistance, please reach out to the church office (608-222-1633) or call Mark directly (608-335-5063).

  • Donate to human welfare fund