
Everyone is welcome at Monona United Methodist Church. We’re proud to be a reconciling church that welcomes people of all orientations from all walks of life. Our church body is made up of all ages and we welcome young children in our service.

The Church is open for worship and group meetings!  The church office is open 9AM – 2PM. Pastor Yohan and Mark Buffat are available for pastoral care by phone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are in need of anything. 

What to expect?

You can expect to be greeted warmly on your first visit. You’ll find that people are friendly and inviting without overwhelming you. Our service is laid-back with music and teachings that are designed to speak to your everyday life. The service starts at 10AM followed by a fellowship time with coffee and delicious treats! 

What to wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable wearing! A dress with sneakers? Rock it! Sweats? Awesome! A suit and tie? You won’t be alone looking sharp on a Sunday. It doesn’t matter what you wear. We’re just excited to see you each week! 

What about childcare?

Children are an important part of our church family and are welcome to be in worship. We have a staffed nursery for children under 3 years of age. For older children, we have worship bags and children’s bulletins in the back pews. (Ask an usher if you need help!) There is also a cry room near the main entrance that can be used for kids of any age to relieve the pressure on parents when children get out of sorts.

Is your church handicap accessible?

Yes! Our building is mainly on one level with easy access for wheelchairs and walkers. We also have large-print bulletins and hymnals. Our audio is looped for those with a telecoil in their hearing device. If not, we do have headsets available. If you still have questions, please reach out to us and we will work with you to make sure your visit goes smoothly!