
Monona United Methodist Church has many opportunities for musicians to participate in worship and share their gifts with the congregation. For information about children's music, go to the Children and Youth Ministries section.

Adult Choir

The adult choir sings traditional and contemporary anthems at our morning worship service. The choir performs about two times a month throughout the school year. The adult choir rehearses on Sunday morning at 8:45 am and welcomes all singers; no experience or audition required! Contact director Linda Jackson ( for more information.  

Bell Choir

Currently, the Bell Choir is being reinvented. For the Fall 2023 season, we will focus more on small ensemble performances during worship services based on schedule availability. In the past, the bell choir played hymn arrangements and classical pieces at our morning worship services. On average, the Bell choir performed once a month during the school year. As we work towards a re-launch of the ensemble, we remind everyone that new ringers are always welcome. Contact director Kay Cowing ( for more information.  Watch this page for more information on the re-launch of the Bell choir!

Special Music

When our regular music groups need a rest, others fill in with their musical talents to provide worship music. If you'd like to serve the congregation with your musical gifts (vocal, instrumental, or both), contact the church office ( to see when there are openings for special music.

- Please let the church office know that you would like to play an instrument or sing for the 7:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.