Dear Friends:
This is Super Bowl Sunday! For millions of Americans and people around the world, this is an extra-special holiday. There will be parties and get-togethers and plenty of fun activities. Even those who have no interest in football, may watch for the creative Super Bowl television commercials.
When Sarah and I served the First United Methodist Church in Green Bay, we discovered that football was a year-long sport. While we were there, the Packers won Super Bowl XLV in 2011.
As exciting as that was, I have fonder memories of the congregation’s food pantry. They offered bags and boxes of food to hundreds of clients each month. Throughout the year, they offered special meals, with easy to make recipes. The week prior to the Super Bowl, they put together a bag of chips and queso and other goodies, so their clients could have their own Super Bowl Party. They treated their hungry neighbors with dignity and respect.
We too have an opportunity to do that. For many years, we have participated in the “Souper Bowl of Caring.” Since its beginning in 1990, this ministry has raised more than 175 million dollars for hungry people.
We have given our Souper Bowl funds to the food pantry at St. Stephens Lutheran Church, just blacks away from us.
This Sunday we will have several Soup Bowls available for our financial donations.
We may (or may not) look forward to Sunday’s Super Bowl, but we can look forward to providing an individual or a family with good food to eat.
Pastor Paul