We are worshipping in-person at 10AM.

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Worship Service: 10:00 am
Join us for coffee and fellowship: 11:00 am
606 Nichols Road, Monona, WI 53716
(608) 222-1633

Devotional Material

"By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust your strength lies."
--Isaiah 30:15

Instead, of emailing out daily devotionals, Pastor Laura encourages members to explore any of the resources below. Remember also, that print copies of The Upper Room are available at church to pick up. Or, you may contact Kay (secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net) to request a copy be mailed to you.
1.    Electronic resources from The Upper Room:  https://www.upperroom.org/covid-19
2.    WI Conference of the UMC: https://www.wisconsinumc.org/daily-devotions
3.    Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM:  https://cac.org/category/daily-meditations/2021/
4.    Henri Nouwen:  https://henrinouwen.org/read-nouwen/free-daily-meditation/
5.    Sojourners magazine: https://sojo.net/daily-wisdom
6.    Fr. James Martin, SJ:  https://sojo.net/daily-wisdom
7.    StillSpeaking Daily Devotions from the UCC: https://www.facebook.com/FeedYourSpiritUCC/

Message from Pastor Brad (April 1st)

I want you to know that I miss seeing you and talking with you. I also miss us being a “congregation”— a group of people who actually congregate! So what can we do instead under the current circumstances?

We can continue to keep in touch with one another by telephoning the people we know from church, along with our phone calls to relatives or other friends. The word “worship” actually means “the work of the people,” and for the time being this is our work:

  1. to reach out to one another just to check in with one another and see that we are alright
  2. to ask whether we are well and not sick
  3. to be sure that we have enough home essentials
  4. to enquire if anything is needed from the grocery (which can be delivered)

I really think this is how we can be the church right now, and not just for each other but for our neighbors as well.Thank you for all your prayers for the front-line workers during this strange and stressful time. Blessings to you for your faithfulness and trust in God, and for your love of your neighbor.

Prayers, peace, and health,
 Pastor Brad